Automotive Grade Urea (46%N)
aka SCR-, DEF-, AdBlue-, or Technical Urea
Automotive Grade Urea is a special, uncoated version of highest purity. It is a main component of urea solutions like AdBlue® or AUS40/45 which are used within SCR-systems for the reason of NOx reduction.

Prill by Prill … the right choice. Automotive Grade Urea from Tradiax Premium Quality on a fair price level
It is the only type of Urea that meets the ISO 22241 specification and the only suitable Urea for the production of AdBlue®/DEF/AUS32/ARLA32 solutions. For meeting the ISO 22241 the Urea needs to be of highest purity/quality.
Due to this, Automotive Grade Urea is unsuitable for bulk transports as contaminations would endanger the purity and the final quality of the finished solutions. Beside the commonly sold 1,000kg BigBags, Tradiax offers also 850kg and 50kg Bags to meet our customers requests.
Tradiax is one of the leading suppliers of Automotive Grade Urea on the market.
We supply high premium-quality Urea and ship our products from several distribution points around the globe to our customers on the shortest and most competitive way.
Automotive Grade Urea from Tradiax is the best choice for AdBlue®/DEF producers.
Fon: + 49 (0) 2332 14 99 25
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